Ace your live coding interviews with AI

Pass your coding interviews with ease.
Instant solutions to  LeetCode problems.

Undetectable. Guaranteed to help land your dream job.
292+ happy job seekers

Trained on interviews from

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Interview Solver is a desktop app that acts as your copilot during interviews, giving you all the answers you need to land your job.


Our powerful screengrab tool allows you to send the contents of any window to our AI for solutions. One-shot solutions to all Leetcode problems.

Query Selected Text

Simply highlight any text from any app and press a hotkey - our AI copilot will read the text and give you a response.

Global Hotkeys

Global hotkeys allow you to get answers seamlessly and interact with our AI without having to alt+tab or move your mouse.

Syntax Highlighting

Full syntax highlighting for all major languages, as well as support for diagrams and flowcharts


Anonymous Jobseeker

Thanks for your help. Could not have cracked the SDE 2 interview at Microsoft without this tool!

Anonymous Jobseeker

Used it to pass my phone screen, which was difficult and worked perfectly

Anonymous Jobseeker

I love your product and what you have built. You are a lifesaver.

Anonymous Jobseeker

As a bootcamp grad, Interview Solver gave me the extra edge I needed to stand out in technical interviews.

Anonymous Jobseeker

The best investment I've made in my career so far.

Anonymous Jobseeker

it lets me bring ChatGPT into my interviews, no brainer

Anonymous Jobseeker

I've been really struggling for a while.. not getting many responses, and when I do, they're asking Leetcode Hard's. [Interview Solver] was a huge help.

Anonymous Jobseeker

I got laid off from my job recently and I've been super rusty on coding interviews. This is such a great solution

Anonymous Jobseeker

Love this product! I got asked a graph traversal question in my interview which I didn't study for and Interview Solver helped me solve it on the spot


Start with a free trial just by signing up - no credit card required.
Upgrade to a paid plan after your trial.

  • Google


  • Amazon


  • Microsoft


  • Netflix


  • Meta


  • Pinterest


Median Senior Software Engineer Total Compensation


per month


  • Solves all Leetcode style problems
  • Solve from screengrabs
  • Solve from selected text
  • Global hotkeys
  • Flowchart & Diagrams, and full syntax highlighting


-20% off
per month, billed quarterly


  • Solves all Leetcode style problems
  • Solve from screengrabs
  • Solve from selected text
  • Global hotkeys
  • Flowchart & Diagrams, and full syntax highlighting

Frequently Asked Questions

Won't this be detected by anti-cheating software?
Who can benefit most from Interview Solver?
What sets Interview Solver apart from other tools?
Why do I need to download a desktop app?
What is your refund policy?
Do you have an affiliate program?

Don't get rejected by LeetCode. It's time to land your dream job.