Get Started
Download the app.
Once you’ve installed the app, you’ll be prompted to log in with your Interview Solver account. If you don’t have a subscription, you can still use the app for free during your trial.
Before the interview
Set your language
Use the Custom Instructions feature under the Settings tab to specify the programming language you’d like your answers in.
Select your screen share
Using the button on the left hand navigation, select the screen or window that you’ll be writing your interview on. At any time during the interview you can hit the hotkey (ctrl+esc) to send the latest state of the screen to the Interview AI Copilot.
For best results make sure that either your screen resolution does not exceed 1920x1080, or to only share the relevant windows on your screen. If your screen resolution is too high then it will be difficult for the AI to read the text in the screenshot.
Familiarize yourself with the hotkeys
The hotkeys are designed to be easy to use and not interfere with your interview. You can configure the hotkeys under the Settings tab.
Action | Hotkey (Mac) | Hotkey (Windows) |
Send current screen to the AI Copilot | Control+Esc | Control+1 |
Toggle system audio transcription | Command+Shift+A | Control+Shift+A |
Toggle microphone transcription | Command+Shift+M | Control+Shift+M |
Cancel any in-flight responses. | Shift+Esc | Shift+Esc |
Reset chat. | Home | Home |
Scroll up. | PageUp | PageUp |
Scroll down. | PageDown | PageDown |
Unminimize window. | Control+Shift+Esc | Control+Shift+U |
Toggle transparency. | Control+G | Control+G |
Move window. | Command+Up/Down/Left/Right | Super+Up/Down/Left/Right |
During the interview
Once the interview starts, you can use the hotkeys to send the current state of your screen or the selected text to the Interview AI Copilot. The AI Copilot will then provide you with a solution to the problem you’re working on.
If you need further clarification, you can edit your code and add comments to it to direct the AI Copilot to provide a more specific solution. The selected text functionality is great for really honing in on a specific part of the problem.